Buy used? Discover these vintage stores online


Comprar usado? Descubra estas lojas vintage online

"It's already good to contribute to the second, third or fourth life of a piece of clothing, even better if it goes straight to your door. decoration, having an online store – the logistics are a lot and the amount of material is, almost always, a lot too. pleated skirts to square-toed shoes, from folk earring to the necessary denim jacket. Some don't speak Portuguese, others are new and others were already part of these wanderings. online vintage stores.


Camila Moutinho and Daniela Oliveira combined their desire to have a platform that could collect second-hand clothing, much of it coming from their own closet, without having to physically go to a vintage store. They created Retry, an online used clothing store that goes to the customer's and seller's home to pick up forgotten items in the closet, takes care of their cleaning, photographs them and places them on the platform, ready to be purchased  there are both pieces for 5€ and 200€, depending on the brand and the state of conservation of the product, which respect a classification from A+ to C. Every month, RETRY has a partnership with a Portuguese brand or clothing store , who sell stocks from past collections.

Per Francisca Dias Real 


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